Dentsu Lab


Where learning meets direct application, Protofest places teams at the forefront of Creative Technology with dynamic sessions designed to build tangible skills and ignite creativity.

“The best way to learn anything is to do it yourself. Protofest gets people into a maker’s mentality by building something, rather than just talking about it.”


The Dentsu Lab team stays at the forefront of innovative technology and how it can address societal challenges. Protofest allows the team to share knowledge, boost skills and create rapid prototypes – via cutting-edge technology.


Many people are aware of trends and buzzwords in technology, but feel intimated by using or experimenting with it themselves. Protofest makes innovation accessible for whoever takes part.


The Protofest team takes time to know the needs of each company in advance, enriching the sessions with the topics relevant to the specific team. The workshops are then structured around themes and societal challenges, such as AI or VR.


Protofest is a one-day session where teams can learn about the latest about technology, with inspiring workshops, talks and idea coaching. Strategists also provide advice on how to bring value to new ideas.


Participants work on their own prototypes using emerging technology, testing concepts without the need for a perfectly-polished product. They finish the day with something they made and can play with, leading to greater satisfaction.

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